Goose Egg
***OUT OF STOCK FOR 2024!*** Have you ever tried a goose egg? Thanks in part to their larger size, goose eggs contain more of the good vitamins and beneficial nutrients that eggs are famous for. Their shells are much thicker than chicken egg shells, and it can take quite an effort to break one open. Because of the vibrant color of their yolks, goose eggs are perfect for making pasta. They are extremely desirable in Italy for pasta recipes. They are also sought after for baking because their consistency makes a thick, moist batter that holds together well. But that doesn’t mean you cannot use goose eggs for “normal” recipes. Hard boiling goose eggs takes a few more minutes than it takes for chicken eggs—about 12-15 in boiling water. A couple of hard boiled goose eggs can make an excellent snack. and once again, their delicious yolks will shine through in a deviled egg recipe. Thinking about French toast or pancakes? A goose egg can take the place of two to three chicken eggs and make a tasty batter for you. Or, if you really have an appetite for eggs, consider just frying one or having it sunny side up—it goes great with bacon and breakfast sausages. However you use your goose eggs, you’re sure to enjoy them. Their deep flavor and exciting “exclusive” feel makes them the perfect spring and summer ingredient. Get them fast, our geese lay an average of only 25 eggs every spring!